Julieanna Preston, This Bag, an ode to ursula (18’31”), presented at the Creative Enquiry Forum, Sheffield University, UK, 5 May 2023.

This Bag, an ode to ursula is a experimental video presented on the occasion of the 2023 Creative Enquiry Forum at the Sheffield School of Architecture. In recent years, I have come to understand my research practice less and less in relation to chronology, achievements, advancing knowledge, and ascension; paradigms and models of transcendence, success, goals, proof, precision, truth, and fact have waned. Their passing yields to the ambiguities and indeterminacies of striated sedimentary rock undone by the leaching and wearing tears of water and the searing and liquifying anger of fire. Straight-line repetitious practices of logic, theory, and process fall prey (unabashedly) to molten soups of praxis as sensate experience, emotion, subjectivity, lateral association, thick description, and metaphoric indulgence. This Bag performs Ursula K. Le Guin’s 1986 essay “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” in a short non-heroic film that tracks the everyday life of one bag. Thank you to Madaleine Trigg for your videographic and scoring expertise.

A link to the article: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0752/11/6/124